Entry level work sucks! It's time to make your escape.

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Avoid Bad Politics

If you don’t have anything nice to say, say nothing [carefully] As is starting your career wasn’t hard enough with a new schedule (no more summers), delayed gratification (promotions aren’t guaranteed), skill acquisition (a key tenet of Entry Level Escape, there’s also a bunch of new unspoken and unwritten behavioral norms that lie in wait

JD Adherent

The danger of adhering to your job description As is starting your career wasn’t hard enough with a new schedule (no more summers), delayed gratification (promotions aren’t guaranteed), skill acquisition (a key tenet of Entry Level Escape, there’s also a bunch of new unspoken and unwritten behavioral norms that lie in wait to trip you

The Importance of 3-D

What does it mean to be 3-D and why it’s important to be 3-D if you want to grow If you’re reading this, you’re probably career minded and looking for ways to advance. That’s great, it’s one of the most important first steps to advancing. Once you know you want to advance the next thing

Complementary Skills Focus

What are Complementary Skills, why you need them, how to cultivate them I talk about Complementary Skills a lot. There are a few reasons why I do this but the main one is because my goal for you and other Entry Level Escapees is to help you stand out from the crowd while preparing you

Projectize your promo

Your promo is a project and why that’s the best way to think about it Up until reading this post (or my book) you may have never thought of getting a promotion the same way you think about your work projects. A promotion is a reward, not a project. A promotion is a transition, not

Gaining Skills

Two subtle ways to gain Complementary Skills and get closer to the next level I talk about Complementary Skills a lot. There are a few reasons why I do this but the main one is because my goal for you and other Entry Level Escapees is to help you stand out from the crowd while

Diminishing Returns

The law of diminishing returns – how to make it work for you not against you I love this topic because it has so much value in general. While Skills, Impact, and One Year Plan have fairly narrow application to career growth, diminishing returns is a concept that pops up all over the place. You

Don’t be a [boss] hater

Don’t be a [boss] hater As is starting your career wasn’t hard enough with a new schedule (no more summers), delayed gratification (promotions aren’t guaranteed), skill acquisition (a key tenet of Entry Level Escape, there’s also a bunch of new unspoken and unwritten behavioral norms that lie in wait to trip you up. These trip

Your Real Job is Having Impact

Your Real Job is Having Impact Having an Impact is the most important thing you can do if your goal is to unlock raises, bonuses, and promotions. I would argue thinking about Impact and telling a compelling Impact Story is the single most important thing I can teach anyone looking to make an Entry Level